Announcing the Venator Tournament (2)

Titles did not grant their bearer any sort of unique or special powers, a title was just as the name suggested, a simple title.

Only, there was nothing simple about it. Getting a title was an extremely difficult thing to do, only a very small fraction of venators had one.

There were a couple of ways to get a title but the most common one was to be bestowed one by either one of the five Clans,

Often these titles are bestowed on Venators who have shown a level of excellence that far supercedes that of the common Venators. Whether it's their valor in war, by crafting unique Techniques or even reaching new bounds of psyia mastery the Venator could be considered for a title.

All clans had to be in agreement for a title to be given. Hence some venators who had been considered for titles ended up being rejected.