Faltering Formation (2)

The plan to hold the beasts off while the evacuation took place was swiftly falling apart, no venator had arrived yet and due to the loss of the mall venators the pressure on them had only increased.

Their situation was getting bad and only promised to get worse as time went on but they had to keep pushing them back as much as they could, the portal albeit abnormal could not be endless.

And she was right because soon after, she noticed a change…

Their number was finally going down, there were now only about fifty beasts present in the mall.

They needed to pair up…

Even though their numbers were down, they were still tired.

Once they paired up they would be able to watch each other's back and prevent any mistakes due to the fatigue.

There was one problem though, the group was uneven. They would either have to form a group of three or leave one member to fend for themselves.

Naturally, she chose the former.