We just might die


A clawed paw suddenly elongated as it flew right at them. Within seconds it was upon them, the ground which they once stood smashed in by the paw.

The three of them were long gone, charging at the beast from three different sides.

"I'll charge forward and draw in most of its blows if I can while you guys attack from the sides."

That was what Ella had told them in the short moment before its hand descended.

Ella had the best defence amongst the three of them so she was charging straight at it from the center, Luck was moving from the right side wielding his katana on one hand and his scabbard on the other.

And Layla was Charing from the left.

The arms barrelled towards them, stretching like elastic bands. One resembled that of a lion, one was like the claw of a bat while the other was vaguely humanoid.