Life or death

Ella's glistening blade split though an approaching limb, completely severing it. From the bloody split, three figures emerged, racing towards the gargantuan body of the Judge.

Ella and Luck were a step forward leading the charge while Layla made use of the reach she had to launch attacks at the limb.

The limbs sped forward as well, they now seemed even more bountiful than before. Curling around like serpents, they assaulted their small group form all sides.

They were doing everything possible to evade the limbs but there were cases where they had no choice to face them head on, in those situations only Ella could stand it.

An clear example of such a situation was the one about to happen. Pushing apart the mist with immense speed a large hooved limb charged towards them, hovering a few inches above the floor.

Normally they would have jumped right over it but there was another one descending from the sky.