Light Amidst The Storm (2)

The man redirected his gaze from her and back to the beast in front of him. The beast seemed to be exerting as much force as it could to the glaive but all that managed to do was shift the blade a little.


The young man seemed rather surprised but even then it didn't register much in his tone.

"So you're the infamous—"

He brought his hand to his chin.

"Look at that, I've already forgotten. Ayase?"

Now standing next to him, Ayase organized herself, smoothing down her clothes and wiping the mud from her hair with water, using the psyia she had left. She was like a secretary trying to make the best impression in the presence of her boss.

"It is called Iron fur my lord."

He chucked but his laugh was lifeless.

"Is that so… Well that is a rather stupid name. Not like it matters though."

The glaive burst into flames causing the creature to stagger back with a whimper as its paw was caught in the outburst.