The Dark Castle (1)

Raven stared at Ayase for some time before saying:

"You look like shit."

"Shut up."

Ayase glared at her while Raven had a comical expression on her face as they walked through the hall.

"You don't look any better yourself Chari." She added.

Chari spoke while looking ahead.

"Why act so professional in public if you're just going to revert to your plain old self later?"

Raven blinked but Ayase spoke before she could.

"It's because she's just a plain old stup—"

Raven covered Ayase's mouth with her hand, holding tightly onto the poor girl's head.

"It's simply because I can't have people getting the wrong impression of you, they need to see you as someone to be respected and—Ow!"

Raven suddenly withdrew her hand from Ayase's mouth.

"You almost bit my palm off!"

Chari sighed, zoning out of their squabble and turning his attention to the hall instead.