Raven was racing across the street, her dark hair dancing behind her as she weaved past countless bodies.
"Listen to me if you want to live. We are under strict instructions from Phantom Lord Chari! Everyone, move in an orderly line!"
There was wide panic among the civilians as the beast made its presence known. Raven could understand them, even she felt her heart racing within her chest all while she barked orders to the citizens.
The information they had was that it was going to be a high grade Judge. Why then was a tainted beast here?!
Chari was fighting the monsters alone, according to their original plan he was meant to handle it while they organized the evacuation to reduce casualties.
Although they could have simply evacuated them earlier, if they did it would mean they knew about the portal beforehand which could be used by the other kingdoms as a way to increase the distrust they had for Chari.