Unexpected Result

Flip flip.

Every now and then the sound of turning pages could be heard in the cozy reading room they were in. Chari was slowly going through the piece of literature in his hands, his fascination increasing by the second.

It was a good read, albeit with a couple of issues.

For starters the mc was rather lazy, he was basically forced into the academy and had done little to nothing since then. The side characters though were pretty well developed, he even preferred them to the mc!

But still, the book had its charms.

Strangely he was getting fascinated by the romance plot of the novel, so much that he had to pause at a point and look at the book in irritation.

'When will the teasing end?'

He went back to work and found himself ignoring everything around him for some time. He was completely lost in the world of the novel and somehow irritated at the same time.