At first all he could feel was sadness, the memories of his sister that he had long hidden at the back of his mind all came rushing in as he saw her gentle face, the horrors of the night she died coming along with them.
Slowly that sadness turned to anger, a fury so immense that he felt he could erupt at any moment. He was like a ticking time bomb, the damage would be on a catalytic scale.
Chari could already feel his body heat intensify as he held onto his own neck, watching himself with malice. Then a strange feeling came along with it.
Love for everything around him. Love for his sister, love for Ellianthra, love for the sky, love for the road, love for the world—love for the apparition.
It was because of this very love he had for the apparition in front of him that he could not let it live.
He would help it find peace in the cool embrace of nothingness.