Beastly Blockade

Tendrils of smoke gently emerged from a small fire in the middle of a modest camp. Around the fire multiple sticks with meat strung onto them were sizzling underneath the heat.

But this was not any normal meat, this was monster meat…

Raven let out a sigh as she turned one of them to the side to allow it to cook better. She was covered in dirt from head to toe, dirt and dried blood.

The young lady found herself dreaming of hot showers with scented soaps and warm towels each passing day. People said you tend to undervalue those things that are readily available and that you only truly appreciate them when they were gone.

They were right.

The last few days had really tested her patience, they were meant to be intercepting a scouting party and yet all they had seen through you their journey was beast upon beast never truly catching a break.