
Empyrean class beasts were anomalies in their own right, they could be tough and extremely large spanning multiple meters, they could be so small that they could look smaller than an infant.

But some were known to shape shift, in a cave that had been abandoned for so many years and as such crawling with these beasts, Darell couldn't help but wonder if that was the case.

The cave rattled as she stopped, and then she stared at their group intently, not a flicker of emotion on her face.

'I should say something…'

Darell kept his composure, what he needed to do was buy time while he thought of something.

He calmed down and observed her. He could not sense any vast amount of psyia emerging from her but strong foes were known to conceal their psyia.

Yet he couldn't help but wonder. Is there a chance that she is a normal girl?