Accelerated heartbeat

Liang Yin tugged at his lips, smiling as his gaze turned towards Chong Wanyin who had come seeking his help today, "Aunt Chong, I had her go fetch the ball. You tell me, should she have gone?"

Chong Wanyin looked at Wen Zhi, then said, "She should have."

Upon hearing that she should have gone, Wen Zhi felt a lump forming in her throat, she looked at Chong Wanyin, "Mrs. Shang, I..."

The rest of her words suddenly stuck in Wen Zhi's throat.

Because Chong Wanyin was giving her a pleading look.

Chong Wanyin wanted her to cooperate. Only if Liang Yin was pleased could the matter she sought from him be accomplished today.

"Fine, I'll go fetch it."

Wen Zhi knew all too well that if she disappointed Chong Wanyin today, her future in the Shang family would not necessarily be easy.

Liang Yin slung the golf club over his shoulder, urging her, "Don't dawdle."

"I know." Wen Zhi turned and walked towards the golf course.

As soon as Wen Zhi left, the smile on Liang Yin's face also disappeared. He casually tossed the golf club to the caddie behind him and took a swig from a bottle of mineral water.

Watching Wen Zhi's figure getting further away, Liang Yin's expression grew dark, "Haven't seen her for years, and she's regressed."

Seeing Liang Yin suddenly angry, Chong Wanyin guessed, "It seems Xiaoyin just wanted to tease Zhizhi."

"Tease her? Am I that familiar with her?" Liang Yin said in a displeased tone.

Chong Wanyin said, "I heard that Zhizhi used to attend the same middle school as you."

Liang Yin increasingly impatient, "So what? Does that mean I should be familiar with everyone who attended the same school as me?"

"That's not what I mean." Chong Wanyin knew it was pointless to continue.

Liang Yin was like his father, short-tempered and needed to be handled with care.

The cold look in Liang Yin's eyes lingered on Chong Wanyin, "But why do I feel, Aunt Chong, that your intention is quite clear, and even your tactics are as sharp as ever?"

Chong Wanyin smiled composedly.

Being of a certain age, even if seen through, she showed not a hint of embarrassment, but instead asked openly, "Xiaoyin, what about Shang Jing's matter?"

Liang Yin threw the mineral water to a caddie, "The best outcome for now, get bail pending trial."

Chong Wanyin showed a look of joy, "Xiaoyin, I knew coming to you was the right choice."

Liang Yin spoke casually, "Aunt Chong, you really don't know me, justice is meted out equally before the law, you abide by it, and so must I. Shang Jing's involvement is just peripheral, and if the investigation clears him and the process is concluded, he should be released."

These words were intended not only for Chong Wanyin but also for those around them.

"You're right, Xiaoyin. It seems it's me who has regressed," Chong Wanyin appeared relieved.

That was great.

It was finally a success.

She hadn't been very confident about today, but thankfully, she was thoroughly prepared. Learning that Liang Yin and Wen Zhi had known each other before, she immediately took advantage of this, bringing Wen Zhi with her to talk business.

She had an idea, thinking perhaps Liang Yin might show some leniency for Wen Zhi's sake?

Indeed, bringing Wen Zhi had been the right choice.


Wen Zhi had walked quite a distance before reaching the spot where the ball had landed.

She asked a caddie where Liang Yin's last shot had landed, and the caddie pointed her in the right direction where she went to pick up the ball.

Having found the hole, she was about to turn back when another caddie called out to her, "Miss Wen."

Wen Zhi turned her head and saw a caddie calling her, asking, "Did I pick up the wrong one?"

The caddie shook his head then pointed in a direction, "There is a Mr. Shang who asked me to take you to him."

Wen Zhi's heartbeat inexplicably quickened, "Which Mr. Shang?"