Just coax and it'll be fine.

Liang Yin stood outside the car, gently knocking on the window.

As the window slowly rolled down halfway, Shang Hexing's half-profile was exposed, and he glanced up at Liang Yin, who stood outside.

Liang Yin immediately called out, "Second Brother."

In the past, the 'Xie Shang Wei Qin' four great families were at their peak. By Shang Hexing's generation, they were considered nobility from the big courtyard. Initially, the most prominent Xie Family led the rankings, but although the name remains, the Xie Family had long lost its past glory. Conversely, with the highly-regarded rise of Shang Hexing, his family had become the number one distinguished family.

Liang Yin, a few years younger than Shang Hexing, had idolized him during those years, cheerfully following behind and calling him "Second Brother" several times.