
This was the worst possible outcome.

And the most direct one.

The old master sighed, "I received a call from the third brother's lawyer this afternoon, the result can be out by tomorrow morning at the latest, it's indeed very uncertain."

After speaking, the old master looked at Shang Jing, "And you, keep yourself in check recently, if you can avoid going out, do so, just honestly stay at home for me."

Shang Jing nodded, "I know."

This incident was not only dangerous but also beyond any normal comprehension.

Without any knowledge of what was happening, he was inexplicably implicated in a criminal case. However, he wasn't the suspect; the real accused was his third uncle—Shang Mingshu.

The incident occurred just half a month earlier when Shang Mingshu took a fancy to a young woman at a dinner party, but the woman was unwilling to follow him and had openly rejected him.