Chapter 156: You Couldn't Have Fallen for Him, Could You?

"Professor, are you saying, I was selected?" Han Yingying asked with joyful surprise, not daring to believe what she had just heard.

Her grades were good, but definitely not the best.

There were plenty of people with better grades, more experience, and stronger professional skills than her.

When the professor mentioned it before, she didn't take it seriously.

So much time had passed without any news that she had almost forgotten about it.

"Yes, you were selected. Originally, it was supposed to be people who had already done internships and had strong experience in the field. But after several discussions, the school decided to select two students from the newcomers.

Exposure to advanced knowledge earlier and returning to school with enough time to interact and learn from other students might yield better results."

"Professor, I'm so happy, I don't even know what to say."