Chapter 106: In this day and age, those who owe money are the real bosses

Ou Lan, who grew up in the slums, didn't recognize the supreme status of this Black Card and even looked down on it when she saw it, "The young master has his own Empire Currency, I don't need your allowance. You just have to get your son to pay me back the money he spent during those two days you were away. And let me emphasize, he wasted 94 yuan of my money on a bottle of mineral water."

Zhan Lingtao looked at Ou Lan as if she were an idiot, with three big words written all over his face: Are you dumb?

Zhan Moxiao, with a smile hidden in the depths of his eyes, maintained his composure, "Giving an allowance to one's wife and being responsible for all her living expenses is what a man should do. Whatever Xiao Tuo spent, you can directly deduct from this card."