Chapter 211 A Crazy Chase and Blockade


Li Dan had thought that the garbage truck driver would obediently pull over to the side of the road, but to his surprise, the driver sped off like a madman, leaving Li Dan gaping in shock while Zhan Moxiao was extremely irritated.

"Is this driver brain-dead? Where's he running off to? Can any car outspeed a plane?"

Suppressing the anxious thoughts swirling in his mind, Zhan Moxiao hovered the aircraft above the garbage truck and followed it, continuing to announce through the loudspeaker, "Attention, driver of the automobile below, we mean you no harm. There is an item of mine mistakenly left in your vehicle, and I need you to stop immediately so that I can retrieve it."

Zhan Moxiao was very skilled at calming the driver's nerves, maintaining a controlled tone, but he just had to encounter an uneducated, hot-tempered, simple-minded middle-aged driver who was convinced the people in the plane were criminals, and he was their target for abduction.