001, Song Zhen, I like you!

Autumn chill, yellow lights.

At nineteen, Gu Xinzhou sat hugging her knees at the entrance of an apartment building.

She had been there since the afternoon, skipped dinner, and waited foolishly until she finally saw Song Zhen at eleven o'clock.

Assisted by his secretary, he stumbled out of the car, his eyes squinted, looking quite drunk.

"Brother Song Zhen!"

Gu Xinzhou rushed forward, looking at him with concern.

The secretary greeted Gu Xinzhou politely, "Miss Gu, why are you here alone so late at night?"

Gu Xinzhou took hold of Song Zhen's arm, "My sister went abroad today, and she called me several times, saying that Brother Song Zhen chased her to the airport. But she still rejected Brother Song Zhen. She was worried and asked me to make sure to comfort him properly."

Gu Xinzhou was simple and straightforward; she had always been like a little sister in Song Zhen's eyes, with hardly any topic off-limits between them.

Gu Xinzhou and the secretary struggled to help Song Zhen into the elevator.

When Song Zhen lay on the bed, the secretary looked at Gu Xinzhou with some gratitude, "Miss Gu, it's so good that you're here. My wife is due these days, and I really can't leave. Could you please help me take care of Director Song?"

Gu Xinzhou nodded repeatedly, "Sure, sure, I'll sleep on the couch tonight and check on him from time to time."

The secretary, "Thank you so much! I'll be off then."

After the secretary left.

Gu Xinzhou went to the bathroom, fetched a basin, filled it with hot water, and brought out a towel. Like a dutiful little wife, she gently wiped Song Zhen's face, neck, and arms.

She was too embarrassed to take off a grown man's pants, so she blushed, pulled over the quilt, and covered Song Zhen with it.

Song Zhen was the god on the pedestal of Gu Xinzhou's heart.

Back then, during the Song Family's financial crisis, Song Zhen's father married a stepmother less than a hundred days after his mother's death, intending for her to bear Song Zhen a younger brother. Song Zhen was then a rebellious teenager. He ran away from home and coincidentally hid in an abandoned attic of the Gu Family's estate.

Gu Xinzhou was the illegitimate daughter of the Gu Family, brought back home only at the age of seven.

Her birth mother was long gone, and the mistress of the Gu Family wasn't particularly kind to her, often making her kneel in the small attic for reflection.

During that time, she formed a deep friendship with Song Zhen, separated from her by only a wall.

When she heard that Song Zhen had run away from home, she shared half of the food sent by the maid with him.

He ate it for many days.

At last, when he was about to leave, he asked her who she was.

Noticing his intense hatred for anything disloyal to marriage, she didn't want such a good brother to know she was an illegitimate child, so she lied, saying she was the young miss of the Gu Family.

In the blink of an eye, so many years had passed.

Song Zhen had become increasingly outstanding.

He had single-handedly turned the Song Family's dying fish into an enviable golden koi.

Gu Xinzhou looked at his face and smiled faintly, "You like my sister.

No wonder, she's so beautiful, so gentle and kind. It's only right that you like her.

But, I like you too.

Brother Song Zhen, I like you too. When will I ever be visible in your eyes?"

The hungover Song Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, staring at her with deep intensity, "Did you say you like me?"

Gu Xinzhou panicked instantly.

Unintentionally, she stepped back.

Song Zhen stretched out his hand and gripped her arm tightly, "Say it again! I'm giving you a chance, say it again!"

"I…" Gu Xinzhou was nervous, but summoned her courage, "I like you, Song Zhen. I like you!"

Song Zhen, like a wild horse that had broken free, suddenly pulled her entire body onto the large bed.

In an instant, his emotions from the heartbreak erupted, and with the influence of alcohol, he lost all reason.

In a moment of impulse, he did something she would never forget for the rest of her life.