008, he saw her again

"Oh," Gu Xinfei's face was somewhat pale, seemingly very emotional, "Our Zhouzhou has grown up.

That's right, Zhouzhou has grown up, and doesn't need her sister to watch over you all the time.

However, Zhouzhou, if you need anything, if you have any concerns, you still have to talk to your sister.

Your sister loves you the most, cares for you the most, and I can't bear to see you wronged at home, understand?"

Gu Xinzhou was very moved.

It was precisely because Gu Xinfei was so kind and gentle that Gu Xinzhou felt it was only natural for Song Zhen to like Gu Xinfei.

She hugged Gu Xinfei again, "Sister, I'm fine, don't worry, I'll definitely tell you if I have any concerns."

She walked to the door of the room, not letting Gu Xinfei in.

"Sister, I'm very tired, I want to rest alone for a bit."

Gu Xinfei smiled stiffly, "Then okay, you rest first."

Gu Xinzhou entered her room and locked the door behind her.

Everything here was exactly as it was when she had left.

Her luggage had been brought up, placed beside the wardrobe.

Gu Xinzhou leaned tightly against the wall, one hand covering her mouth, silently crying.

She was really afraid of coming home.

Because she had a loving father and sister at home.

So whenever she faced their love, felt their care, she was afraid she couldn't hold herself together anymore.

To Gu Xinzhou, family was always of paramount importance.

Moreover, she couldn't break down.

She had already lost one son and could not afford to lose another.

These past five years for Gu Xinzhou were full of bitter hardship, swallowed like blood-mingled teeth.

The torment she endured was known only to her.

Step by step, she walked to the bathroom.

She washed her face with cold water.

Drying her small face, she looked at herself in the mirror.

A face so beautiful it took one's breath away.

But a soul that was scarred beyond repair.

She took a shower, changed into simple, comfortable home clothes, pulled back the covers, and lay down.

Yes, she was cowardly.

She couldn't act with ease in front of Song Zhen.

At least the way Song Zhen inexplicably slept with his sister-in-law but still insisted on loving his fiancee, insisting on marrying her, that mindset, she couldn't learn.

She gave herself an excuse.

When Gu Xinfei came to call her, she said she was dead tired, she needed to adjust to the time difference, so she wouldn't be eating lunch.

About half an hour later.

Gu Xinzhou's stomach growled with hunger.

She estimated the time, they were probably having a hearty lunch downstairs.

And her father was also supposed to drink with Song Zhen at noon, lunch might not end anytime soon.

Gu Xinzhou remembered there was a small lounge on the second floor of the house.

The fridge there always stocked fresh cakes and fruits, and there was also a water dispenser, microwave, and coffee machine.

So, starving, she cheerfully went to sneak some food.

Song Zhen came upstairs to get some wine.

Because the butler opened the wrong red wine, Gu Yibo wanted wine from France, but the butler, not knowing French, had taken one from Germany.

To prevent another mistake, Song Zhen volunteered himself.

Now, after years of experience, he was already at the peak of the pyramid.

He also didn't know why he had to come up personally to fetch the wine.

Subconsciously, he always felt there was a force drawing him here.

As he walked towards the wine cabinet in the lounge, from afar, he saw a tender small figure squatting on the floor, her back to him.

And the door of the fridge she was facing was wide open.

On the floor lay a can of beer and a plate of fruits.

Song Zhen's face turned very grim in an instant.

When did this girl learn to drink?