330, I'm so ugly.


Little Xiahua returned to the bedside and cheerfully asked, "George, why didn't you speak when you saw Yunxi just now? I saw him standing there, staring at you, really wanting to talk to you, but he seemed too afraid."

George bowed his head and said calmly, "I haven't seen him before."

His profound eyes, hidden under long lashes, blinked gently, casting a succession of dark shadows, as if they concealed many of his thoughts.

Little Xiahua asked in surprise, "Really? Was it your first time seeing Yunxi?"

George looked up and gazed deeply at Little Xiahua, "Have you seen him?"

Little Xiahua nodded earnestly, clambered onto his bed in a carefree manner, sat on the edge, and dangled her legs, "It was the day you didn't come to school. Yunxi came to our school, then everyone said he and you were twins. He didn't believe it himself, and then the police came. The teachers have also been saying these past few days that you guys are brothers."