Chapter 12 But I Called Off the Wedding!

"What are you staring at, eat it quickly——" Xie Xian directly stuffed the money into Xie Weiyi's mouth.

Xie Weiyi agonizingly ate the bills one by one.

How could he possibly eat a hundred bills?

The condition he offered was a pure temptation!

It won't be long before Xie Weiyi needs to be taken to the hospital to have his stomach pumped.

Gong Beiyao's insult is truly high-class!

Sheng Qianxia had no interest in watching Xie Weiyi being tortured, and said to Gong Beiyao, "I want to leave here."

Gong Beiyao, faced with Xie Xian's earnest attempt to please, replied indifferently, "I'm busy marrying my wife, so I cannot accompany you!"


Sheng Qianxia's body suddenly stiffened——

Xie Weiyi was stunned!

Sheng Qianxia was going to marry Gong Beiyao?

Wasn't she here to disrupt Ling Muye's wedding?

Then everything he had done just now, wasn't it a huge joke?

Ling Muye too, upon hearing the word 'marrying,' stared at Sheng Qianxia in shock.

Gong Beiyao, with his arm around Sheng Qianxia's shoulders, bypassed the frozen Ling Muye, ready to leave.

Ling Muye finally snapped out of his shock.

He suddenly, with an ugly expression, pulled Sheng Qianxia aside.

"Sheng Qianxia, when did you become his woman? No wonder you kept rejecting me! It turns out you found a fallback! You're even cheaper than I thought!"

"This is cheap? Fawning over you is what's truly cheap!" Sheng Qianxia forcefully pulled away from his grasp.

Ling Muye, driven to fury, lashed out:

"Do you think Gong Shao is someone to be trifled with? Does he really fancy you? At best, he's just playing with you! You're not a child anymore, stop living in your naive little girl's dream!"

"Being played by him is a lot better than being played by you!"


Sheng Qianxia ignored the complex look on Ling Muye's face and pushed past him to follow Gong Beiyao.

Ling Muye immediately said to Gong Beiyao, "Gong Shao, you can't take her away, she's my fiancée!"

Xie Weiyi looked on in shock, unable to believe what Ling Muye had just said.

Today was his engagement banquet with her, yet he was saying Sheng Qianxia was his fiancée?!

Was there anything more ridiculous than this?

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gong Beiyao's lips, then he turned to look at Sheng Qianxia with a smile.

"You tell me, whose fiancée are you?"

"Sheng Qianxia!"

Ling Muye warned her with a threatening look, as if he had made up his mind to keep her there.

Sheng Qianxia, calm, said, "I have already annulled the engagement with him."

"I haven't called off the engagement!" Ling Muye immediately retorted, "I can marry you right now!"

Sheng Qianxia glanced at Ling Muye with a sneer, "But I have called it off!"

Ignoring his shock, she stated emphatically:

"Hear it clearly! I, Sheng Qianxia, am severing the engagement with you—Ling Muye! It's me, Sheng Qianxia, who doesn't want you anymore, not now, not ever, not in a lifetime!"

A flicker of surprised pain crossed the depths of Ling Muye's heart.

He never knew that the usually gentle Sheng Qianxia could be so sharply decisive.


"Ling Shao, she has already annulled the engagement with you, clinging on any further is rather unsightly," Gong Beiyao said with a smirk, cutting off Ling Muye's words,

"Besides, thanks to Ling Shao for sending her my way. I have fulfilled your dream for you, no need to thank me, I will take very good care of her."

After saying that, he wrapped his arm around Sheng Qianxia and left amidst the gasps of surprise and admiration from the crowd.

Ling Muye's face shifted between shades of green and white!

Everything he had done today, which he thought would bring him the thrill of revenge, ended up making him lose Sheng Qianxia completely!

His heart felt as if it was being choked, making it hard for him to breathe.

Gong Beiyao didn't need to do anything to him; his words alone were enough to defeat him thoroughly!

Meanwhile, Xie Weiyi clenched her fists tightly.

She was supposed to be the star of the day, yet she was being pushed around!

Her own fiancé was obsessed with someone else!

And she had become a massive joke.

After such humiliation, how could she let it go?

Xie Weiyi yelled after Gong Beiyao's retreating back:

"Gong Shao, do you know that Sheng Qianxia can even climb into a stranger's bed! Her private life has always been loose, who knows how many men she's been with? Last night, she was who knows where, fooling around with some guy, not coming home all night——"