Chapter 19 Why Must You Marry Me

This is the hospital corridor!

How embarrassing would it be if someone saw us!

And Qingxue is still inside the hospital room, what if she suddenly comes out and bumps into them?

"Are all debts cleared now? I... really have to go!" She avoided eye contact with him.

She had to find a way to raise money to save her father and pay for Qingxue's medical bills.

"Just in time, I was thinking of leaving too."

He stepped forward to catch up with her, and before she could escape, he grabbed her wrist and led her down the stairs.

During their school days, he often dragged her down the stairs like this.

She felt a moment of confusion, and her eyes unconsciously looked towards his handsome profile.

It had to be said, this guy was really good-looking.

Even in a simple white shirt, he managed to wear it with a special refined and exquisite flair.

In his youth, he was the talk of the school, turning heads wherever he went, and everyone, men and women alike, fell for him.