Chapter 36 Not just!

Sheng Qianxia took a moment, then draped his coat over herself.

Finally, she felt not so cold anymore.

She walked out of the room with a calm facade.

The contraceptive pills had been thrown out of the window by Gong Beiyao, and now that he was not around, she decided to go and buy some more.

After all, their marriage was not going to last very long.

Just at the beginning, she could already sense the end.

She deeply regretted her moment of hesitation earlier, foolishly hoping to let nature take its course.

How could she possibly want a child with him?

It could be today, or tomorrow, any day might be the end for them.

She would soon be discarded by him.

Sheng Qianxia thought this, her heart numbed with pain.

She stepped out, leaving the castle.

Because Gong Beiyao had instructed that Sheng Qianxia was their Young Madam, no one stopped her from leaving.

Sheng Qianxia still went to the pharmacy to buy contraceptive pills.