Chapter 047 The Mob

Ye Chen parked his car in an empty lot, which conveniently wasn't in the range of any surveillance cameras, saving him a lot of trouble.

"Be good, stay in the car and don't come out."

After instructing Su Xiaozhu, Ye Chen opened the car door and stepped out.

The several cars that had been following closely behind all came to a stop, and a group of burly men in black clothes got out.

Su Xiaozhu hid in the car, clutching her cell phone with sweaty palms, nervously watching the outside. If Ye Chen were in danger, she would immediately call for help.

"What's your purpose, sneaking around after me?"

Ye Chen asked nonchalantly, hands in his pockets.

"You've certainly got guts; you're quite a character. Zhao Hu had no unjust defeat at your hands."

From the crowd emerged a man exuding a fierce aura, dressed in black, with a deep scar on his face—a clear sign of combat. Ye Chen could smell a faint scent of blood on him, a scent that could only belong to someone who had killed before.