Chapter 052: Godlike Driving Skills

The Ferrari and the Lamborghini raced one after the other on the lanes of Qiuming Mountain, with the distance between them slowly closing.

One hundred meters!

Seventy meters!

Fifty meters!

The Lamborghini inched closer and closer to the Ferrari. Chen Hui's forehead broke out in a cold sweat as he watched the Lamborghini slowly approach, gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

This speed was already his limit. Seeing that the last sharp turn was approaching, he dared not accelerate any further.

If he accelerated before this sharp turn, it would be hard for him to guarantee a safe maneuver through it, and there was a highly likely chance he would go straight off the track.

In that case, the outcome would surely be a wrecked car and a lost life.

"I refuse to believe you can keep accelerating."

Chen Hui clenched his teeth and said grimly.

Finally, the red Lamborghini caught up to the Ferrari and drove side by side on the track.