Chapter 098: The Panic of Su Xiyue

Ye Chen's eyes flashed with a tender concern as he quickly stepped forward to soothe her, "Xiyue, did you have a nightmare?"

Su Xiyue's face was pale as she gently nodded.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Ye Chen said softly, while simultaneously channeling the Primordial Energy inside his body into Su Xiyue to calm her emotions.

This was a symptom of excessive fright. No matter how strong Su Xiyue was, she was still a woman in her twenties, with a vulnerable side.

While Ye Chen gently comforted her, he slowly infused Primordial Energy into Su Xiyue's body.

To a Divine Doctor like Ye Chen, who could bring the dead back to life and mend bones, a case of excessive fright was a matter of minutes to rectify.

Just like the massage before, using Primordial Energy to completely relax Su Xiyue, slowly dispelling the negative impact the assassin had brought on her, then helping her conquer it in her heart and overcome the Heart Demon.