Chapter 101: The Wailing in Hell

All the bones in his limbs had been crushed by Ye Chen, and with the tenfold pain perception, the assassin's suffering was unimaginable, more painful than all the pain he had experienced in his life combined, penetrating his marrow and straight into his soul.

The indescribable agony directly shattered his consciousness, crushed his nervous sensory system, and then he fell into an unconscious state, passing out entirely.

"Passed out? The show I've prepared for you has just begun."

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Ye Chen's face as several gleaming silver needles appeared in his hand, which he casually inserted into the assassin's acupoints. A stream of Primordial Energy slowly transferred into him.

Soon, the assassin's consciousness returned, and he became lucid once again, with intense pain assaulting him anew. This time, no matter how excruciating the pain, he remained conscious, and unconsciousness had become a luxury he yearned for.