Chapter 112 Reunion

The next morning, Ye Chen and Su Xiyue were having breakfast at the dining table.

"Ye Chen, how's your wound? Is it serious?" Su Xiyue asked.

"The wound isn't very serious, and I should recover soon," Ye Chen replied casually.

Actually, his wound had mostly healed, but to avoid surprising Su Xiyue too much, he didn't tell the whole truth.

"Then you shouldn't go to work today. I'll ask for a day off on your behalf from Lin Shiyu and you can rest well at home."

After finishing breakfast, Su Xiyue wiped her mouth and said indifferently.

Ye Chen naturally had no objections to taking a day off from work.

After the meal, upon Ye Chen's strong insistence, he drove Su Xiyue to work. Not knowing if any danger remained, Su Xiyue did not refuse.

As Ye Chen watched Su Xiyue enter Mingyue Building, he was about to turn the car around to return to the villa when his phone suddenly rang.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a call from Wang Ziyu.