Chapter 120 Swallow the Broken Teeth [Second Update]

The Lu Family, as a major clan in Zhonghai City, possessed a large estate on the outskirts of the city, where most of the Lu descendants lived.

A young man in black supported Lu Chenkai, his face smeared with blood, as he walked into the Lu Family's residence, and then the whole Lu Family was shaken.

"Who did this, who laid hands on my son and dared to beat him to such a state?"

Lu Chenkai's father, Lu Hongchang, the Family Head of the Lu Family, had an ashen face. Looking at the blurred bloodstains on Lu Chenkai, his voice trembled with fury, and a savage light flashed in his eyes.

A luxuriously dressed woman with tears in her eyes threw herself onto Lu Chenkai's body, shrieking, "Chenkai, what happened to you? Tell Mom, who did this?"

With that said, the woman crouched next to Lu Chenkai and began to sob.

Lu Hongchang, already annoyed, felt even more irritated by the woman's crying and scolded with a cold face, "Stop crying, get up right now."