Chapter 141 Nether King Hades

Having the power to instantly defeat the mighty dragon, such strength was enough to shock Shen Junru.

Such capability, even within Zhonghai, among those well-known masters, there were only a few who could achieve it.

However, the name Hades sparked some recognition in Shen Junru, the name of the Nether King from Greek mythology.

Anyone using such a name filled with murderous intent was definitely no ordinary person.

"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. I don't want to know anyway."

A trace of sulkiness crossed Shen Junru's face as she pouted.

"I've helped you so much today, how do you plan to repay me?"

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face.

"How would you like me to thank you?"

Shen Junru stretched out her jade-like hand and gently tapped Ye Chen, speaking softly.

"It would be too unfair to ask anything else of you, so just grudgingly accept myself as a reward."

Ye Chen's eyes lit up, and he reached out to embrace Shen Junru.