Chapter 144 Lin Yuwei's Invitation

Before dawn had even broken, Ye Chen reluctantly dragged himself out of bed.

They say that love's bed is the grave of heroes, and the ancients truly didn't deceive me.

If he didn't leave soon, Ye Chen reckoned he wouldn't be able to make it out at all today.

"Where are you going at this hour?"

Shen Junru lay in bed, sitting up against the headboard in languid pose, and asked.

"Off to work, of course, you think I'm as idle as you?"

Ye Chen said, pulling on his clothes with irritation.


Shen Junru appeared surprised, then covered her mouth and giggled, "You still need to work? You might as well quit your job, I'll take care of you."

"If I quit my job, I'm afraid you won't be seeing me tomorrow," Ye Chen responded, thinking about the consequences of resigning and feeling a bit terrified.

"Your wife's that strict, huh?"

Shen Junru said with a tinge of jealousy.

"Why do I detect a sour scent wafting over here so early in the morning?"