Chapter 213 Fuming with Rage

Since Ye Chen had hung up the phone, Fang Yuqi had relayed the message to Chen Rong, and within his jurisdiction, rapidly mobilized a squad of police officers.

Originally, Chen Rong was skeptical, as the whole situation seemed utterly unbelievable.

Zhonghai was one of the top cities in the country where not just robberies, but even large-scale brawls were rare occurrences.

Now all of a sudden you're telling me there's going to be a bank robbery without any public phone reports, and you think you can predict the future or something?

If it had been anyone other than Fang Yuqi reporting, Chen Rong would have cursed them out long ago.

But the subsequent barrage of phone calls left Chen Rong stunned and caused an uproar throughout the entire station.

"Everyone, drop what you're doing immediately and rush to Chunyuan Road to capture the criminals. If one gets away, you can all expect to be disciplined," roared Chen Rong, his eyes red and raising his voice to a shout.