Chapter 8: The Angry Director Wu


Hearing Ye Haochuan's order, Kou Jing, Han Xue'er, and the others did not dare to delay and hurriedly pushed the hospital bed towards the operating room.

Li Tianwei and his wife, Tan Yuying, quickly gave way and followed the hospital bed to the operating room.

But is an operating room a place where random people can just enter?

Thus, the couple was barred from entering.

After waiting for about five minutes, a man in his thirties wearing glasses hurried along the corridor.

He was none other than Wu Changjiang, the Director of Surgery at the Medical University Hospital.

When it came to President Li Tianwei of the Heavenly Might Group, how could Wu Changjiang not recognize him? Therefore, as soon as he heard that his son was severely injured, he naturally did not dare to delay and rushed over from his home.

"President Li, President Tan, hello, I am Wu Changjiang, the Director of Surgery at the Medical University Hospital." Wu Changjiang extended his hand.

However, Li Tianwei didn't even glance at him, let alone shake his hand, but merely acknowledged him with an arrogant hum.

Thinking of himself as the grand President of the Heavenly Might Group, someone whom even the mayor had to show some deference to, why should he show any pleasantness to Wu Changjiang, who clearly appeared to be a sycophant?

Wu Changjiang's warm greeting was met with a cold reception; he felt somewhat embarrassed. Seeing a group of male students grinning and snickering at him outside the operating room, he rebuked on the spot, "What are you all standing here for? Attending a wake? Get back to your evening self-study!"

The male students, who had been waiting for the outcome of Brother Feng's injury, had no choice but to leave noisily upon hearing his words.

"Attending a wake?" Tan Yuying was quite displeased.

Only then did Wu Changjiang realize his mistake. Wishing he could slap himself, he hurriedly tried to make amends with a smile, "Sorry, sorry, President Tan, my words were inappropriate, please be magnanimous…"

Tan Yuying gave him a cold look, her face full of disgust, "Watch your words."

"Yes, yes, yes." Wu Changjiang nodded and bowed continuously.

Only then did Tan Yuying let him off.

"By the way, how is your son's injury?" Wu Changjiang asked with a grave expression on his face.

"He's still being resuscitated," Li Tianwei said sternly.

"Both of you can rest assured, our Doctor Kou from the Medical University Hospital, though a female doctor, graduated from a prestigious Medical University and is quite skilled. I believe under her lead in the surgery, your son will be saved…"

Wu Changjiang had long been smitten by his department's Kou Jing and had always tried to curry favor with her, hoping to win her over. Therefore, he had recommended her for the lead surgeon over the phone and naturally took every chance to praise her.

However, before he could finish his sentence, Li Tianwei interjected impatiently, "Are you sick? Doctor Kou isn't even the lead surgeon."

"Not Doctor Kou?" Wu Changjiang was startled, "Then who is the lead surgeon?"

"It's a new graduate from Medical University named Ye Haochuan," Li Tianwei snorted.

"Ye Haochuan?"

Wu Changjiang was baffled. As the one in charge of the surgery department at the Medical University Hospital, when had a figure like Ye Haochuan appeared in his department?

At that moment, Tan Yuying said irritably, "What kind of Director of Surgery are you? How can the medical staff under you be of such low quality? Especially that Ye Haochuan, he's arrogant and disrespectful, dared to talk back to me and was even outright rude!"

Wu Changjiang furrowed his brow, he had to figure out what was going on with this Ye Haochuan.

"President Tan, calm down. I don't know this Ye Haochuan at all, and we don't have anyone by that name in our department."

"What?" Li Tianwei and Tan Yuying looked at each other in surprise.

Li Tianwei continued, "Then who is Ye Haochuan?"

After thinking for a moment, Tan Yuying said, "Considering how close that kid seemed with Doctor Kou earlier, could he be Doctor Kou's boyfriend?"

Kou Jing had just chased after Ye Haochuan and even held his hand, a scene she had seen quite clearly, which is why she harbored such suspicions.

The speaker was unknowing, but the listener took it to heart.

On hearing that Ye Haochuan was Kou Jing's boyfriend, Wu Changjiang's face turned green with fury. Damn it, he had gone out of his way to please her, even arranging for her to lead a surgery, and now she'd sprung a boyfriend on him out of nowhere!

"Outrageous, this is utterly outrageous! I'm going into the operating room and kicking that kid out!"

As Wu Changjiang was about to slam the door of the operating room, Li Tianwei was startled and glared at him, "What are you doing? They're in there saving my son. What if something goes wrong? Can you bear that responsibility?"

Under the murderous gaze of President Li, Wu Changjiang dared not touch the door, and instead, brooded silently as he withdrew his hand.

"Director Wu, since that kid Ye Haochuan isn't from your hospital, we can handle this easily. After the surgery, if my son is saved, I won't make it difficult for him; just kick him out. But if my son doesn't survive, I'll make sure he pays dearly!" Tan Yuying said through gritted teeth.

Poor Ye Haochuan, who knew that his earnest efforts to save a patient would earn the ire of the patient's parents?

On hearing Tan Yuying's words, some doubts arose in Wu Changjiang's mind.

Though he was unaware of why Ye Haochuan had fallen out of favor with her, one thing was clear: she took great exception to Ye Haochuan, and regardless of whether Ye Haochuan saved their son or not, she was intent on teaching him a lesson.

That suited him well. Even if Ye Haochuan saved their son, he no longer had to worry about the attitudes of President Li and the others!

"President Li, President Tan, don't worry. After the surgery, watch how I deal with that Ye Haochuan," Wu Changtian huffed.

After about seven or eight minutes, the door to the operating room opened and Ye Haochuan walked out, looking utterly exhausted, supported on each side by the two girls, Kou Jing and Han Xue'er.

Seeing such an intimately flanked scene made Wu Changtian's eyes nearly blaze with rage.

Damn it, it was bad enough that this guy had his sights on Han Xue'er, but he was also not letting Kou Jing go. He had been silently in love with Kou Jing, the ice queen, for over half a year without even touching her fingertip. To think that Ye Haochuan, this pretty boy, had beat him to it!

Looking at Ye Haochuan again, tall and handsome, he truly put him to shame, which only fueled his anger further.

So, he stormed up and cursed loudly, "You little bastard, who the hell are you? What are you doing in our hospital's operating room? Who gave you the right to perform surgery? Get the hell out of here now!"

Ye Haochuan was furious, but since he was utterly drained from using all his True Qi in the operating room, he had no strength left even to speak.

Kou Jing and Han Xue'er were initially shocked, then furious. They had seen how hard Ye Haochuan had worked during the surgery, collapsing on the floor afterward. They couldn't believe he was being scolded by the director upon leaving the operating room.

This was just too unfair!

Kou Jing immediately defended Ye Haochuan on the spot, "Director Wu, Doctor Ye has just started working here; you can't treat him like this!"

Seeing his beloved defend the pretty boy, Wu Changtian lost his temper completely and roared irrationally, "He's just started? Are you joking? Did I agree to it? Who approved his hiring? Does no one regard me as the director anymore?"