Chapter 35 Dysmenorrhea

At these words, Liuzi, who was sitting next to him, as well as the police officer driving the car, were stunned.

Then, both of their gazes swiftly converged on Chen Yushan's pretty face.

Chen Yushan's face immediately flushed with anger, and a surge of rage welled up inside her. She swung another slap at him, but exclaimed angrily, "You bastard, spouting nonsense... Ugh!"

But Ye Haochuan had caught her wrist in his grasp!

Chen Yushan's eyes widened in disbelief.

The handcuffs that had bound his hands didn't know when, but he had snapped them apart.

Good heavens, what kind of person was this man? He had broken steel handcuffs?

And how did he know about her irregular periods?

Seeing the astonished expression on Chen Yushan's face, Ye Haochuan felt very pleased inside, thinking, "Now you see how awesome I am, huh?"