Chapter 60: Let me smash it one more time!

Upon receiving Hong Biao's order, the bodyguards immediately snatched the batons from the hands of the security guards and started to wildly smash everything in sight.

In no time, seventy to eighty bodyguards descended like a swarm of locusts, wrecking every single private room they stormed into, no matter what was inside, smashing everything to bits.

The guests who had been singing happily in the private rooms panicked and fled in all directions, while the braver ones stayed behind to watch the chaos from a distance.

The commotion was so great that it even alarmed Wu Hualong, the owner of Golden Age Entertainment City.

However, Wu Hualong wasn't at the entertainment city at the time; he impulsively instructed Manager Hou of the entertainment city to immediately take action and calm the situation.

Manager Hou then briskly led the security team of the entertainment city towards the fourth floor.