Chapter 74: No Room for Negotiation

Once Ye Haochuan spoke, almost everyone thought of him as a madman.

Some even looked down on him with disdain, especially Boss Liang who was really irritated. Shit, he thought, I spent a thousand to buy it, sold it to you for eighty thousand, and now you, even more ruthless, flip it for a billion? Could you be any more shameless?

This time, Yu Cheng couldn't hold back and yelled, "Ye Haochuan, what the hell do you mean? Asking for the sky and expecting to be paid on the ground, right? A billion? Is such a counterfeit even worth a billion?"

He Yun seized the opportunity to taunt, "I think he's gone mad from greed, what a scumbag!"

Xiao Ding's face was extremely ugly, this Ye Haochuan was clearly doing this to oppose him on purpose. It seemed that this man was truly loyal to that bitch Haimie.

If that's the case, I can't be blamed for the delight in taking him down after!