Chapter 110: It's Hard to Guard Against a Thief Within the Family

Thinking of this, Ye Haochuan quickly asked Old Han who else knew the password.

"Aside from our own family, no one else knows," Old Han said after a moment's thought.

Own family?

Ye Haochuan's gaze sharpened, and he quickly asked who was not in the village that night.

Having just woken up, Old Han wasn't clear on the situation. However, Han Xue'er answered, "Right now, only Second Uncle is not here, but according to Second Aunt, he stayed at the town's police station waiting for news."

Waiting for news? Waiting for his sister's news?

Now that mobile phones are so prevalent, couldn't he just make a phone call to get the news? Why would he need to stay at the police station?

Ye Haochuan faintly felt that things were not so simple and asked Old Han whether he had told Han Xue'er's Second Uncle about having a million in savings?