Chapter 222 Junior Fellow Apprentice (5th Wave of Outburst)

Hearing the voice behind him, Ye Haochuan didn't need to look back to know who was barking at him.

Turning around, Ye Haochuan fixed his gaze on He Yun and said coldly, "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" He Yun's face held a mockingly teasing smile. "You're just going to leave after class? Aren't we going to catch up properly?"

"Catch up with you? What's there to talk about?" Ye Haochuan sneered. "However, if you want to catch up with me in bed, I might be willing to keep you company!"

"Damn it!"

It was then that the tall student behind He Yun stepped forward and snapped, "Ye Haochuan, He Yun is now my girlfriend, so you better watch your mouth."

Ye Haochuan frowned deeply and snorted, "Watch my mouth? Who do you think you are?"

The tall student's eyes turned colder as he said, "Ye Haochuan, it seems you're really asking for it today. Hmph, originally, I just wanted to teach you a lesson, maybe break a few of your legs, but now, well, that won't be so easy!"