The Little Snake King turned its head and looked at Tang Zelin for a good while.
"I don't know if she misses us, but I know you sure miss her a lot."
Several times, it felt that Tang Zelin's gaze upon it was as if he could see a Su Shu in it.
Tang Zelin fidgeted with the telescope in his hand and let out a sigh.
Indeed, he really did miss that girl.
They had been depending on each other for survival these days, and now that she was suddenly gone, everything seemed off.
Even the bedding was cold—ah, not good.
It was best when he had his wife in his arms.
Looking up at the sky, he couldn't help but smile.
He never imagined that one day he'd experience such lovesick emotions.
Really... he didn't know what to say.
Speaking of his fate with the Little Snake King, he was one of the parties involved after all.
He hadn't expected that from that moment, it and Su Shu had already been together.