First Fight (2)

For Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Copy: More than 14 chapters are available on buymeacoffee some of the recent are: Chapter 17: POVs, Chapter 18: Dragged In.

For Pokemon: Barry Version: Over 10 chapters are available are available on my buymeacoffee some of the recents are: Chapter 10: Time Skip, Chapter 11: Ash's Combo Chain.

Your welcome to indulge yourselves as there is no law saying anything about color of your skin saying not to.


I have good news, Chapter 4 of Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah, I'd Copy is free (It is named under you can't win).

For those who like the book i suggest going over to and go to chapter 4 of Jujutsu Kaisen to read chapter 4 days before it is released on webnovel.

I hope the people who like the book will become a supporter or a member as that will increase my drive to write.

On another note, Pokemon: Barry Version will soon be available on webnovel so those who like it can become a member and contribute powerstones!


Kakashi stood still for a split-second before firing his leg at the door causing it to be tossed in the direction of the window. He then pumped chakra into his special eye, it then became an unusual red and black with a three tomoe on the eye.

He glared at the people on the other side.

"Did you guys make this place the base of their operation? Not even on a single one of their face was a mask, it was like you were sure there was no one." He said as his look seemingly pierced stars through the men.

One of walked forward, the other people at his back quickly recovered and all judged the owner of the house. They will have to forge a will or steal the existing one once they seize control of the house when the owners die when they come back.

"Hey kid, I'll give you one chance to call your parents and tell them that you are in trouble. If you don't you'll experience a world of pain." The man said as he cracked his knuckles, a smile spread on his face as he thought about the money this hostage will go for.

The five people here were planning to make here the base of operation. They would make him a hostage, collect the money and then kill all the people involved.

To all of the men's surprise the boy had a smile spread on his face as he too cracked his knuckles. One of his eyes glowed in an unusual red and black, while the other was black. If the men had watched the Naruto Shippudden they would see this boy had a striking resemblance to the young Kakashi.

"Alright, let's go." The silver haired boy said, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

An exact clone of him appeared with a puff of smoke, the clone leaned on the wall trying to look badass and doing it excellently.

The men's eyes widened as they realized that this boy had it… Cursed Technique! The man who had come forward stepped back a little, he looked more shocked than the rest of them his eyes widened more and then he let out an uncontrollable laughter from his mouth.

"Kid, no need to sell you back to your parents. You'll sell much more to people who want cursed users as slaves."

"Oh, we'll see who will be sold." The clone muttered with a frown etched onto his face. Kakashi was in this world for just two days, it was an incredible feat for someone to get the shadow clone jutsu down on the first time. But it wasn't when the person used the sharingan, it went even less when the person could not even get the ratio right.

It was even worse than Naruto's clone jutsu.

"Let's go." Kakashi said to his clone.

"Right." The clone replied.

The both of them rushed towards their assailant before the quarter of a second and landed one punch each on the man, one on the jaw and the other on the gut. The clone used his strength to launch Kakashi a little bit into the air before punching the other guy in the crotch.

Kakashi raised his right leg high before his head reached the roof, thankfully he wasn't thrown too hard and he avoided the roof. His foot dropped right on top of the man's head before he jumped back as he stuck the landing.

The clone on the other hand was looking at the other people menacingly with his sharingan eye. The most depressing thing he saw with that eye was that the other 4 people weren't going to move, it was depressing for him.

As soon as Kakashi had landed the drop kick the clone, not even a second later the clone attacked with a spin kick on his jaw, the power behind the kick flung the man backwards as he became unconscious.

The power in the body of Kakashi was in was unrivalled by all standards of the average man, he was stronger the average human being so this scrawny guy was no match for him. The clone remained in his position as he seemingly stared the soul out of those men.

"Do you guys have it…?" The clone asked coolly.

"Have what?" One of the men spoke up.

"A curse… cursed technique." The clone finished.

There was utter silence in the room as the people gathered their wits.

"Would you give us a moment?"


Kakashi; …

"Why would you do that?" Kakashi asked.

"It just seemed right." The shadow clone replied.

"Why would it seem right to allow the enemy have a group talk, you know what we're going to do to them?" Kakashi asked. He was starting to think that this wasn't his clone, it did the exact opposite of what he was and what he did.

"Sure I do, but they need to have a last talk and formulate things so buy the time "it" happens they will realize all their mistakes and blame themselves." He explained.

'Oh, that makes sense." Kakashi replied.

As the two of them discussed one of the men sent a projectile at them. It was a middle sized boulder that had been hurled at them, the clone who had been distracted had been the one hit and dispersed while Kakashi was launched a bit backwards due to the recoil.

"Oh look, we just need to get a decent hit in and the fake goes bye-bye." One of the men said in realization.

"Kid, this is payback time." Another one of them said though he had been standing frozen while his buddy was getting beaten.

Two of them rushed at him and prepared to start a hand-on-hand fight. One of them went around him and they began fighting.

Kakashi blocked a jab at his gut and counteracted with a punch while using his other hand to defend against the other man. Two punches were launched simultaneously at him, he had problems keeping up with two people at the same time.

He caught two of their fists but was hit back-to-back with punches on his back, he was quite shorter than them so he had some sort of advantage.

He leaned backward, dodging another simultaneous hits before getting onto his hands, he then used both of his feet to land a hit on their stomach. Using the momentum he managed to launch himself a bit backwards to gain distance from the men.

"Will you hurry up and use that veil!" One of the fighting men shouted at his comrade.

"Done." The other one said.

From the open window Kakashi saw a full-on veil. It was like putting a see through curtain down when you wanted to block people from seeing you. Except it actually worked.

"I'm worried." One of the men said as they noticed the teen wasn't going to continue the battle.

"What is there to be worried about? We know his cursed technique and how to deal with it and we have him overwhelmed."

"He might have another one." A skinny man said, "He looks like the Gojo kid, they resemble each other. We need to finish him off, his parents might also have and if they have more powerful ones than him we won't be able to win."

"Fine. We'll use it." The reply came almost immediately from the one that seemed to be the leader. All of the men huddled towards each other.

'I'm not sure they have a domain so they can't use any.' Kakashi was more worried about trying to copy their cursed technique in the heat of this battle than he was about winning.

The one that seemed to be the leader shifted his hand forward in a violent motion that summoned one of the largest boulders known to man. It was so big it destroyed the bathroom floor and caused all of them to land in the kitchen down the stairs.

Another one then covered the boulder with an intense amount of water, it became wet and began staining the grounds.

"Hey, who do you think is going to pay for the property damage! It's either I force all of your sorry asses after I wipe the floor with you fools or I make you…" Kakashi shut up for no apparent reason and began checking what they would do next.

The 3rd man then used his cursed technique to set the boulder ablaze. The power put behind it was terrifying, they weren't even sure that they were going to beat him? Lack of self-confidence.

The first man then got into a stance while the skinny man motioned like he was storing energy. Then, with another violent thrust of his hand the boulder was sent rolling. A gust of wind increased the speed, it would be impossible to dodge but…

One, two, three, four… The teen ran through the handseals.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" He commanded.

Water was formed around him and it splashed. Then, a being came out of it taking the form a dragon, it rushed towards the boulder destroying it before it came near him.

The boulder broke into four parts as the dragon rushed through it, its target had already been confirmed. The beast rushed at them, they knew it was over.

At the last second it exploded before touching a single one of them, except the explosion did a lot more damage than a normal one.


Come over to my buymeacoffee and get over 25 chapters ahead of both my Pokemon and my Jujutsu Kaisen Fics.