In the miniature town of Krillons, filled with many unanswered questions along with its mysterious silhouette, there lived a young girl named Valentina. With blue eyes shining as bright as the most luminous sapphire to ever exist and her flowing brunette hair that's dancing to the tune of the calm breeze, capturing one's whole attention, but Tina is just like any other teenager, bold yet brave and filled with curiosity of the unknown.
One night, Tina was taking a breather after a long session of hard work. The cold breeze took her away and it felt like the most relaxed she had ever been. With every step she took, it's like she's in her own dimension with nothing worth paying attention to. As the night continues she wanders further and further into the district hoping that this would clear her mind. She eventually stumbles upon an unfamiliar street, the street that echoes with silence, a street that's not even the slightest whisper can be heard, a street that's deprived of any noise or any movement whatsoever, as Tina was walking down the street her attention was shifted to a sudden noise coming from deep down the street. It's an odd sound but at the same time ordinary, it's something that can be overlooked yet it's still something to be aware of. Being a curious teenager that she is, she decided to chase after this eerie noise.
Turning a narrow alleyway, her ear caught yet another sound, but this time, it was a voice. It was as if something was calling her while reaching out their hand, it's strange since this street is now unused and abandoned with not even a single soul in sight. In contrast to his, at some point in time, this street was filled with bustling car horns and sounds of people chit chatting along with kids selling lemonade. It was a lively street until suddenly one day, there was a rumour going on that people occasionally started going missing one by one, this started as a small joke but it later on started being more serious to the point where the locals started moving.
She continued searching for this unnatural sound, suddenly her eyes caught some sort of movement, she walks forward and confronts whatever "it" is. Her eyes opened wide when she saw that it was just a stray cat wandering, trying to dig something in a dumpster. She was about to leave UNTIL the lamp post behind her light up. The street lights continued lighting up one by one, until it stopped at the end of the dimly lit alleyway, in the forgotten corner of the city, there it was, standing tall while emitting an otherworldly presence, the Midnight circus stood ominously in front of Tina.