Chapter Nine


I couldn't stop looking at the table in front of me. Robson was whispering nonstop beside me. I was so shocked that I couldn't understand a word he was saying.

I turned to him, still gaping, and asked,

— You didn't know he studied here too?

— Of course not! — he whispered louder— I'm as shocked as you are!

— How is that possible? You know so many people here! How did you not see him?

— I guess you forgot that we've been avoiding the cafeteria for the past few months.

— But didn't you bump into him in the hallways?

— Probably his course is different from ours, Ric. And I won't even question the fact that you didn't see him either, since you were always sneaking around.

That sentence was said with a tone of sarcasm. Now more than ever, it was clear everything I missed out on because of Michel.

No, because of my own fault. He never asked me to do that, but the fear of somehow interfering with his university life made me act that way.

— And honestly, Ric, do you think if I had seen a man like that here, I wouldn't have noticed? It would be the first thing I'd shout out in the Fight.

— Shhh!

I almost shouted in the middle of the cafeteria.

— We can't talk about this, remember?

Robson shrugged, pretending not to care, but looked around discreetly.

— Anyway, the hot fighter is from our college! And he keeps looking at our table.

I didn't even need to turn my head to know that. From the moment he took off his hoodie, I could feel his intense gaze on us.

— Do you think he knows we were there on Saturday?

— Rob, this is surreal. The place was packed. And he only appeared during the fight. It's almost impossible he saw us from up there.

— But imagine this scene: the hot rookie fighter battling your ex for your honor! Avenging your love interest and stealing your heart!

Sometimes Robson lost touch with reality. The more likely scenario was that he had probably heard something about us being gay and was curious.

It wasn't that uncommon to have homosexuals in college, but there was always someone who acted as if we were animals in a zoo or some species to be studied.

Luckily, I was never ostracized for it, but I believe my size had a lot to do with that. And automatically, Robson was also out of the bullying circles for being my friend. But I know that many people there weren't as fortunate.

Robson continued with his crazy fantasy about the sexy fighter. This still included kisses on the ring and hot sex in the locker room.

— Why don't you write a book? It would be very successful on that site you usually read.

— What a great idea! What if someone publishes it and I get rich from your love story?

Robson could be the king of sarcasm, but he was terrible at noticing when he wasn't the one talking.

— Robson, there is no love story. — I said through clenched teeth— The only fighter who passed through my life was a lying, cheating bastard.

— Forget that asshole. He's the past now. Don't tell me you don't want to date anyone else because of him.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what I wanted to do or what was best at that moment. My brain was still processing everything that happened over the weekend. It was too recent to be making future plans.

I had never really thought about anything long—term with Michel. Things like living together and sharing a life for two, for example.

It was as if I unconsciously knew that this relationship would be temporary. Or maybe I just didn't want to dream too high so the fall wouldn't be too hard.

And yet I fell really hard. Much more than I was showing.

I could still feel the weight of that stare on me and even though I was trying hard not to return it, curiosity won me over. I needed to know if he was really looking at our table.

As soon as I turned my face in that direction, I came face to face with a pair of brown eyes staring at me.

Beast was sitting comfortably, resting his elbows on the table and biting into a very red apple. His face still bore that mocking smile. If sin had a face, it would definitely be that one.

A bit of apple juice trickled down the corner of his mouth, which he wiped with his thumb and then licked.

I couldn't help but notice that his tongue was as red as the apple and his mouth.

I couldn't deny Robson was right, he was indeed very hot. I hated that word because I didn't like treating people as objects. But there was no other word that could define him.

There were a few people at his table talking nonstop and trying to include him in the conversation. It was as if he were just an extra being forced into the lead role.

He just smiled and responded automatically. And all this without diverting his attention from us.

Actually, his attention was on me. But I didn't want to admit it. It would be much easier for me to believe it was just curiosity on his part.

I tried to see if any tattoos were visible through his clothes, but his jacket didn't allow it.

Some girls were deliberately touching him, trying to get some personal interaction, but all they got were nods.

It was impossible not to compare his behavior with Michel's.

While one laughed loudly and gestured vigorously, the other tried to be as discreet as possible. Even their clothes showed this. If I hadn't seen him fighting, I would never have guessed he had an amazing body, defined and covered in tattoos under that gray shirt.

When his stare became too intense, I turned my face away. Until then, I was so focused that I hadn't realized Robson was still talking.

— So what do you think? Shall we go?

— Where to?

— I can't believe I've been talking to the walls this whole time! — he said, rolling his eyes— Saturday. Law Club. You and me. Drinks. Hot men. I think I summarized it all.

— But isn't Law a bar?

— But Saturday there will be an amazing party there!

I didn't know if it would be a good idea. Law was where I met Michel. Actually, I was leaving when it happened. And I knew the bar he used to go to with his friends was in front.

I didn't feel emotionally ready to see him with someone else.

But unfortunately, it was the best gay place nearby. It wasn't a dark or hidden place. The atmosphere was always pleasant and conducive to meeting new people. I can't deny I hooked up with some guys I met there. So a party there would be amazing. The perfect place to occupy my mind and distract myself.

— From your face, it's obvious you liked my suggestion. I'm really glad I don't have to recite a sermon about how you shouldn't isolate yourself from the world. But if necessary, I'll do it.

— No need. — I raised my hand to stop him— I'll go of my own free will.

— Good. But just to be sure, I'll go to your house early. That way you can't run away.

I was serious. I had wasted too much time depriving myself. And it didn't matter if Michel was around. I was already being forced to see him all week. One more day wouldn't make a difference.

— Damn!

— What is it, Rob?

— I forgot to turn in that damn assignment!

— Wasn't it due last Friday?

— I managed to extend the deadline to today.

— I'm afraid to ask how.

— I didn't do anything inappropriate. I swear.

I looked at him full of suspicion. That professor was very strict. I couldn't envision any scenario where she would allow an assignment to be turned in after the deadline.

— You don't have to look at me like that, Ric. — he said, smiling— I just told her I had a broken heart and couldn't focus on doing the assignment on time.

— Broken heart? Seriously? How long has it been since you and your boyfriend broke up?

— But she doesn't need to know that, right?

— And she really let you turn it in later just for that?

— Have you seen her face? It's obvious someone hurt her. We even spent some time bad—mouthing useless men.

— You're unbelievable, Rob.

— It worked, didn't it? Now I have to run. — he said, getting up from the table— See you in the next class.

I watched his clumsy run to the exit of the cafeteria, laughing. But when I turned to the table in front, I noticed Beast kept his eyes fixed on me.

I was so uncomfortable with that situation that I decided to leave. Especially since he was very much my type. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of seeing me drooling over him.

I gathered my things and placed the tray on the counter before heading to the hallway.

There was still some time before the next class started, and to kill time, I went to the bathroom on the third floor, which was quieter. This floor was undergoing some minor renovations, so there were no classes there. And since it was the top floor, people were too lazy to go up.

After brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I left the bathroom. At that moment, I was so distracted that I ended up bumping into someone.

As soon as I looked up to apologize, I found those brown eyes that had been watching me all through lunch.

Beast was right in front of me, smiling.

I didn't know whether to feel fear or joy for being followed.

I opted for the first and muttered a sorry before stepping around him to leave.

But as soon as I passed him, his hand grabbed my arm, preventing me.