Chapter Twelve


I didn't know what to do. I couldn't take my eyes off that green bottle and the tattooed arm holding it.

—I got this for you,— Jordan spoke into my ear. —You only drink this, right?—

Several things were happening simultaneously. Robson vigorously poking me with his elbow, Jordan's hot body pressed against my back, and the main fact, how the hell did he know what my favorite beer was?

I had wondered before how he knew my name without me ever telling him. But he could have overheard someone at college calling me, I tried to deceive myself.

Now knowing exactly the beer I drank was something very strange.

Strange and frightening.


My mind screamed loudly and often. I had seen enough investigative series to recognize red flags.

I turned to Robson, hoping for some help, but his eyes were shining with admiration at the gesture.

Not knowing what to do and intoxicated by the warmth of his body and very afraid, I took the beer from his hand even though I didn't intend to drink it.

I knew we shouldn't accept drinks from strangers. And honestly, I couldn't count on Robson to protect me from Jordan. It was more likely he would help him kidnap me.

But to my surprise, the bottle still had its cap on.

As soon as the bottle was fully in my hands, one of the guys behind the counter came up to me and opened it in front of me.

Although I had just arrived, my throat was dry and I couldn't resist taking a sip.

—Thanks for the beer,— I said, looking straight ahead.

His hand, which was still resting on the counter in front of me, lifted to my face where he held it gently. His mouth also remained close to my ear.

—I didn't hear what you said. I need you to speak looking at me.—

In that part of the bar, the sound wasn't so loud that he couldn't hear me. But to get it over with, I turned to him and with my mouth very close to his, whispered a thank you.

I couldn't explain why, but I felt a crazy urge to reciprocate his teasing. If he thought he could act like that and see me agitated or uncomfortable, he was very wrong.

This time I couldn't catch him off guard. As soon as I finished speaking, his mouth stretched into an extremely sexy sideways smile.

This guy was a very cunning wolf. Actually, he fit more like a feline. Like those huge tigers that lived in the Savannah.

Not knowing exactly what to do and still trapped between his arms resting on the counter, I grabbed Robson's arm with one hand, held my beer with the other, and pushed him, dragging Robson with me.

As I passed through the crowd, I could feel his gaze on me. As intense as the one I received in the college cafeteria.

I knew Robson was mumbling something, but I was too agitated to pay attention.

Finally, I stopped and leaned against the wall, managing to let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

—Holy shit!— Robson yelled. —Who is this guy? Ric, this didn't even happen to me, but I'm shocked!—

—Rob, please.—

—Seriously, Ric! It's like you're not shaken up too! Look at your face!— he showed me his arm. —I'm even getting goosebumps!—

—He's crazy, Rob! Probably a stalker. How does he know what beer I drink?—

—Ric, you only drink this beer. Even at the club you know. I'm telling you. He's been eyeing you since then. Maybe even before that.—

Robson was right. I was being paranoid. But how could I not be? I had seen something similar with Michel.

—I knew it! Fight for your honor! This is better than the soap operas my mom used to watch.—

How I wanted to slap Robson. I know he always sees everything romantically, but that was my life. In the real world.

And here things weren't like in the movies.

—Let it go. We came here to have fun.—

—And why not have fun with him?—

I just looked at Robson.

—Okay! Let's drink and dance!—

And just as Robson started talking about Jordan, he changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

—Now let's go to the bar to get something for me. I didn't have time.—

We stopped at the edge of the counter, opposite to where I was before, and ordered our drinks since my beer had run out.

I tried to forget that Beast was there, but it was very difficult. I didn't know exactly where he was, but I felt his predatory gaze on me.

At least Robson tried to distract me. He kept talking about the new guys the party had attracted. As a regular, he knew practically everyone who went there.

After a few bottles of beer, Bad Romance started playing in the Hallestorm version.

Robson let out a cheer and pulled me onto the dance floor.

I confess I loved this song in this version. The whole club seemed to agree, as the dance floor filled up as soon as we got there.

Robson danced and sang the song enthusiastically while I let myself be carried away by it.

Suddenly I felt his presence behind me. He didn't actually touch me, but he was close enough for me to feel the heat emanating from his body to mine.

His mouth came very close to my ear and I heard him whisper the lyrics of the song.

You know I want you

And you know I need you

I crave so much

Your bad romance

I want your love and I want your revenge

You and I could write a bad romance


I want your love and the revenge of all your lovers

You and I could write a bad romance


I was completely intoxicated by his husky and sexy voice. I wanted him to touch me so much. I longed to feel that warmth directly on my skin.

I felt his hand slide down my arm, grabbing my beer and taking a sip. With his other hand, he held my face and pulled it towards his, pressing our mouths together and passing the beer to me. The cold liquid went down my throat as his cool tongue invaded my mouth. I took a step back and pressed my body against his.

His chest was pressed firmly against my back, and my buttocks against his waist. I deepened our kiss, letting myself be completely carried away by Jordan.

He turned my body to face his and gently pulled my hair, tilting my head. With his mouth still on mine, he continued to whisper the lyrics of the song.

I want your love and I want your revenge

I want your love, I don't want us to just be friends

I want your love and I want your revenge

I want your love, I don't want us to just be friends

I was completely mesmerized by that big, red mouth of his. His white teeth gleamed under the nightclub's strobe lights, revealing just how much of a true predator he was.

And I willingly became his prey.

This time, I pulled him into a kiss, still feeling the chill of the beer. His hands gripped my waist. I had no idea where the bottle had ended up, nor did I care. I grabbed his shirt from behind with both hands while his hands roamed my back.

Our bodies pressed together moved to the rhythm of the music, sending shivers across my skin.