
"Lasya! How many times should I tell you this?", Sanket yelled sending shivers down her spine as he aggressively rambled on while she trembled in terror in front of his angry self. "STOP BEING SL*T. If you have a boyfriend then why the hell do you need friends? I told you multiple times I don't like you talking with other boys. You can talk with me, and me only", he continued ignoring the fact that he was making the situation worse.

"You know, I love you a lot. I just want to protect you from this cruel world", Sanket stated in a calmer tone this time, which made Lasya's heart feel a bit of concern in his outcry of agony.

Sanket Holkar was a tall man. His black hair and pale face were a wonderful combination. Perhaps that could be the reason everyone called him Chocolate Boy. He was famous in his high school for his killer attitude. His biggest ambition was to be a politician. His brown eyes were deep like the ocean. Girls used to slip and fall in them but he ignored every other girl except a girl named Lasya because of his unending love for her. His father was a Collector (Indian Administrative Services). That's what he told her and made her believe. His best friend was Rishu Patil. He was the only one who knew every little thing about him. He trusts him a lot and always treats him like his brother. After high school, he took engineering for further studies.

Lasya Deshmukh was a sweet girl. Her long raven hair and pretty face were a dazzling combination. She has a friendly personality with a mixture of loving nature. She used to take care of people around her because of her loving spirit. She was famous in the class due to her Cheerful personality and killer looks. She had only one goal, to find a lovely partner. After some Sparks of romance, she found a loving partner Sanket Holkar. She didn't know what she wanted to do in the future besides finding a good partner. She was good at biology subject than mathematics so she took science as her career option after the end of middle school. After Highschool she started to learn pharmacy to become a Pharmacist. She was never money money-oriented person and the only thing she hated was politics.

"I got it. I am sorry. I know you are doing all this to protect me", Lasya replied trying to swallow her tears despite knowing she was doing something wrong all this time. She ignored everything and with her teary eyes went back to her home.

"Mom, I am back", She announced with a broken tone. "Lasya! Did something happen in your college?", her mother asked softly after observing her moist eyes and tear tracks on her cheeks. It must be that same boy Sanket, she thought but waited for her reply.

"Nope, Mom. I am just tired. Nothing happened at college", she said and slammed shut the door of her room.

DING (A notification of cellphone)

It must be him. He must have messaged me to know if I reached home or not so he could begin his lecture, Lasya thought as soon as she heard the notification. She ignored that message and went inside to take a nice warm bath.

"Lasya!", her mother called her. "Yes Mom?", she yelled. "Dinner is ready. Eat it after a bath. I am going for a jog", her mother replied.

"Yes, Mother", She yelled back. After a nice long shower, she came and changed her clothes. She was going to eat but her phone rang. She reluctantly went to see the caller ID. It was Anushree.


Why is she calling me after ghosting me like that? Lasya thought but still picked up the call.

"Hello", Lasya said in a low voice. "Hey, Lasya! How are you?" Anushree interrogates her cheerfully. "I am good. What about you?", Lasya asked her back genuinely. " I am good too!", She replied. "I am coming to your city for some shopping can we meet?"

"Sure?", Lasya said without knowing what was waiting for her. "Can you bring Sanket with you too?" Anushree asked excitedly. "We fought Anu. I don't want to talk with him", Lasya replied. "Come on. I know you two will make up soon. I will see you tomorrow", Anushree stated and hung up.

Am I this vulnerable in front of him? Lasya thought and went into her room. Dinner was long forgotten. She was too tired from her life.

Next morning at 9 AM

"Good morning, Mom! "Lasya greets her mother with a new smile on her face. "Morning dear", her mother greats back. "Mom I will be heading out today in the afternoon. Anushree asked me to meet her", she said. Her mother nodded in response. Lasya went back to her room and freshened up. She got ready and started to complete her assignment. As soon as she held a pen in her hand, memories started to flash in her mind as she was scribbling her assignment.

"But Anushree! Why you are breaking our friendship? Did I do something wrong?" Lasya asked in a meekly. "You did only one thing. You didn't tell me that he was planning for a break-up", Anushree replied.

"How is that my fault? Sanket told me about it and said don't tell her. What good is gonna happen if I had told u about it?" Lasya tried to put her point in front of her best friend. "It's only an excuse Lasya! You never looked at me as your best friend, don't ever, EVER try to talk with me", Anushree said some harsh words and left her alone.

Tears started to roll down from her eyelids as she mumbled "If I had told you about him you would have broken ties with him then he would accuse Sanket of spilling the beans to me. Then as a result I will be the one who takes scolding, every foul word known of him. Either way, this relationship was going to break. He might have said that I was trying to break your relationship. You will eventually believe him and then after some while, he will leave you. Either way, I am at a loss".

"Why there are lone tears in my eyes? It doesn't hurt at all", Lasya stated "Losing a best friend doesn't hurt at all", she continued while wiping that tear away hurriedly. Suddenly her phone rang! It was from her best friend Krishna! Lasya quickly picks up the call.

"Hi, Krishna!" she gleamed through her words. "Hey, what are you doing today?" Krishna asked with leveled-up energies on both sides of the call. "Why? Do you make any plans?" Lasya asked casually, acknowledging the fact even if she had plans, she would not enjoy her time cause Sanket wouldn't like it.

"Yes, Wait! Are you crying?" Lasya chuckled and replied as she felt warmth after hearing it. "No!"

"Oh! Okay, how about we go and hang out at City Mall? Dhani will come as well", Krishna suggested. "Krishna! I fought yesterday", Lasya interrupted in a low voice.

"Sanket must be angry as you have a male friend! right?" Krishna just guessed everything right. "Yeah!" She replied. It was more like a whisper. "What crap he said this time? ", Krishna asked annoyingly. "He said... Stop acting like slut! If you have a boyfriend then you can't make friends. Don't even talk with other boys", Lasya replied.

"Lasya I am telling you, girl! He is not right for you. You didn't agree with him, did you?" Krishna asked. She was worried but she was madder. She hated the way Sanket treated Lasya. But the thing she hates more is Lasya suffering in silence in the name of fake love which is wrong."Of course not! It's a very old dogmatic ritual of not talking with other males. But..." Krishna cuts her sentence.

"But you don't want to fight because you love him. Moreover, you two are close friends so everyone thinks you and Dhani are dating"

"Exactly!", Lasya exclaimed as Krishna guessed everything correctly. "No one can help you, Lasya. Not until you leave that boy!", Krishna stated in an angry tone and hung up."Gosh! She is angry!" Lasya said while gazing at her phone. Before she put it down her phone rang again. This time it was from Sanket."Hello", he said casually. "I heard you agreed to meet with Anushree!" He asked with a bit of excitement which he tried to hide.

"Yes! Can you come with us?" Lasya asked without a second thought as she also wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend. And she also had a reason to come out so she didn't have to lie to her mother. "I?" Gosh! She is bringing Ruhi with her. Her roommate. I don't wanna meet her but maybe I can make Lasya regret making friends at her college and it will help me with one more thing. She was a good girl in high school though she had an affair in junior high school. I should teach a lesson to her for acting like slut; Sanket thought.

"Yeah you", Lasya replied. "Okay! I will get ready then", Sanket replied suddenly with excitement and hung up the call. After that call, he calls Anushree.

"Hello," Anushree picks up the call to hear good news. She was damn sure Sanket will come."Thanks, she asked me to come", he stated. "So, it will be her fault. But I swear Sanket that Ruhi is such a nice girl. She loves politics too. She will support you. Consider her, will you?" Anushree tried to convince him."I see. I am considering it anyway. See you at the city mall", Sanket replied and hung up.