
Days were going so smoothly for Lasya for some months with little ups and downs until one day when Dhani decided to talk with her in their off lecture. Both of them were sitting in the library and doing their assignments.

"Uhm… Lasya, I am dying to tell you something", Dhani stated. Both Krishna his sisterly friend and his best friend Mihir were shocked.

No don't do it, Dhani, Krishna said in her mind. She wanted to stop him but couldn't do that cause her best friends were suffering great pain.

"Say it, Dhani. What's the matter?" Lasya stated casually while doing her assignment. "You might think this is sudden, but I have liked you for a long time", Dhani stated hesitatingly. He was worried that he might lose his best friend. Lasya watched him calmly and waited as she thought he might need to add something else. "I know you have a boyfriend and you love him so much, but I can't see you suffering like this. I want you to be free. You deserve so much better than him," he stated and waited for her reply.

Lasya glanced at him and said, "It's impossible. I will pretend you never said it" and started to pack her stuff. "I don't want to lose friends, so let's be friends. You will find someone better than me one day", she said and left the lab. Though Lasya rejected him, the news of him the chocolate boy of the college proposing to her spread like wildfire within one week affecting Lasya's life with the worst scenario. It was Monday and Lasya was heading to college. She received a call from Sanket.

"Hey good morning sweetheart", Lasya stated and smiled brightly. "Oh! Good morning slut!", Sanket said while grinding his teeth. Lasya's heart broke into pieces after hearing that word. She couldn't alter a word that gave him the upper hand.

"I heard your so-called best friend proposed to you. So how is your time with him going?", he said with so much anger in his voice. "But I rejected him. We are just friends", Lasya stated in a low voice. Sanket started to laugh cunningly. "Oh really! You know I know your best friend is your backup boyfriend. Have you ever seen a male who proposed to a girl looking at her with so-called just friend's eyes? Do you know what I heard?" Sanket retorted.

"No! You tell", Lasya said in a very low voice. "Dhani and Lasya did something shameful behind their college in the woods. Lasya is Sanket's girlfriend and cheating on him with a guy named Dhani while calling him a best friend." Sanket replied. His voice was filled with disgust. Disgust towards Lasya. That one sentence was enough for her to break into a million pieces. Tears started to fall as soon as she heard them.

"I want to let you know that you are cheating on me whenever you talk with other guys and making them your best friend is like making a new boyfriend to me. Your so-called backup boyfriends are behind you losing your image and creating it as slut who let any roadside guy f*ck her. I regret doing things with you. I feel ashamed that you are my girlfriend. My image is getting ruined as people talk about you like this. You should die. You are useless and characterless. I bet if I ever get married to you will bring me someone else's child in the name of mine. Let me tell you one thing slut you are not the only one who receives a proposal. I received one too but I don't talk with girls. I am warning you if you want to be with me you have to block every guy from your social media and first stop talking with that m*****f****. If you are so horny tell me I will help you to become a slut. At least I can make money then. I am telling you your body also belongs to me. You can't even let anyone hold your hand either. Being a friend is way beyond that. Send me your password I will block each guy from your friend list. Do you understand?", Sanket stated.

"But I didn't do anything wrong why are you saying I cheated on you? Having friends or best friends is normal. We never met each other except in class I never went with friends because you won't like it. I am not cheating on you stop saying things in that way", Lasya stated while crying silently. Her nose was runny signalling that she was crying her eyes out. She was broken beyond repair even after giving him every single thing he demanded she never received respect and good treatment just because the crowd around him was very into insulting her and making rumors so they could watch the drama for entertainment.

"Shut up you slut. Do whatever I am telling you or else I will make you regret your life", Sanket stated and hung up leaving broken Lasya behind.

She made her way up to the classroom without letting anyone notice her puffed eyes. Her facade improved as she always wanted to hide her tears because she dislikes the thought of someone crying for sympathy, and not her out of all people. After all, she is not weak. But deep down she needed someone. She put her head on the bench as millions of questions wandered in her mind. She was accusing herself, of millions of things that she never did.

All I can wish for is death now. Life sucks and I suck more in living. Why? Why are all of these things happening to me? Lasya thought and held her tears inside as much as she could. She didn't notice that her both friends came and sat near her.

"So, what did he say this time that made you cry so hard?", Dhani asked not out of curiosity but out of pain. Lasya was suffering and Dhani was suffering with her cause she was in great pain. Lasya couldn't able to control her anger. "And why do you care about it?", she burst into anger. Both Krishna and Dhani were shocked. "Why are shouting at him? He didn't make you cry!", Krishna said calmly.

"Who said that? I know Sanket will never lie to me when it comes to my image. Now I think I am regretting the friendship I kept with Dhani even after he proposed to me", Lasya said without any thought. "I think you crossed the line this time Lasya. I don't know what that useless guy told you but Dhani never said a single word that will hurt you or your image. Neither in front of you nor on your back. You live by yourself from now on", Krishana countered and dragged Dhani with her.

What did I do? I shouldn't have said such a mean thing. I am sorry Dhani but I have to keep you away from me. That's what he wishes. But now I don't have any shoulder to lean on, Lasya thought as her heart kept sinking into darkness.

"The way Sanket is treating her, it's not even less than abuse. And she is blinded by the so-called love. Why did you drag me from there? I want to stay by her side no matter what. I can't let her stay alone. What if she..., Krishana cut Dhani's words as she couldn't able to accept the words Lasya said to her brother.

"I don't care what you think from now on you are not allowed to talk with her. Not until she broke up with that worthless guy", Krishana commanded him with a fierce look. "But", Dhani was about to say something but Krishna cut him and said, "No buts, end semester exams are coming focus on your studies. From now on No Lasya and no trying to keep her company. Let her live alone. We have told her many times to leave the guy. So now it's up to her. Choose her boyfriend or choose her friends. Let's go!" With that Krishana dragged him with her to the library for studies.

On the other hand In City mall

"Sanket thanks for inviting me to the movie", Runi said as she reached to city hall after the small trip. "Don't mention it. I have to take you on a date as your boyfriend ", Sanket said indifferently. After three hours of movies, both of them came hand in hand while smiling. All he did was talk about how Lasya hurt him by talking with boys from her class. I will make him talk about us soon! Ruhi thought and smiled cunningly.

"Sanket how about we go to the long ride next week? It's my birthday too, next week's Saturday", Ruhi started with puppy eyes. "Sure, I will take u on the long ride on your birthday then", Sanket said with a sweet smile on his face which made Ruhi smile heartily. After that Sanket took her shopping. He bought her a beautiful dress for her birthday. It was a skinny black long one-piece and a pearl necklace on it. After some shopping, he dropped her at the station and bid their goodbye. He didn't even realize when evening came and he had to go back home to do his college work cause he bunked the college today for a date with Ruhi.