Love and Broken heart

After the sweet trip with her family, Lasya resumed college. Her second semester started and she needed to focus on her studies cause her first-semester subject was Failed. She needs to pass on that subject too.She was so happy to spend her time with her father. But that happiness soon disappeared because of one phone call.It was an unknown number so Lasya answered the call with caution. "Hello? Who is this?"

"You must be happy that Sanket is crying for you and you enjoyed the trip", Ruhi said with a cunning tone cause she called to shatter Lasya's heart again.

"It's because he loves me. That's not my fault moreover didn't he enjoy himself with you? What's wrong with enjoying me with my family?", Lasya interrogated cause she is not allowed to spend time with her friends now does he have a problem with her family too?

Ruhi laughed cunningly and said "Let me tell you one thing Lasya, I have accepted you as his first wife so he is not leaving me. And he doesn't need you for his desires either cause I am ready to give him everything. How about you beg me so I will pursue him to be with you."sLasya was fuming with anger. Beg her! Not even in my dreams she thought. "Not even in your dreams. No matter what I won't beg for his love nor I will share him with you. If he wants me, he has to choose only me", She said with a stern voice.

"So, you don't want him to be happy. Why don't you just share him with me? He will be happy", Said Ruhi with an indifferent face. It felt like she is okay with anything as long as she can have Sanket.

"But I won't", Lasya said and hung up the call. She was angry but she was in pain. Her heart was sinking low and low in the darkness day by day. It was three days since she had unblocked Sanket but she didn't receive a single message. Her smile was shattered into pieces. And she cried to sleep in again.

Next Morning

It was the first day of her second semester. There were not many students in the class. Dhani was there surprisingly on the first day. And some of his buddies came too. A total of seven people were sitting in the classroom with a capacity of 100.

No one came to the class. These days Lasya was feeling lonelier than before. Seeing a friend's group enjoying, laughing and singing made things harder for her. She left the class and sat on the stairs while playing with her phone. Dhani followed her after a while.

"Hey", he exclaimed."Oh! Hi", Lasya exclaimed as she didn't expect him to talk with her. Her voice was broken but she smiled sweetly."How are you doing?", he asked as he sat beside her with a heavy heart."I am doing good. What about you", she asked back."I am doing great. I am here to tell you something", Dhani said calmly."What it is?", Lasya asked indifferently."I got into a relationship. One of the girls in neighbourhood proposed to me. So, I accepted her proposal", He confess."Congratulations, It's a pity though. Still, I am happy for you", Lasya said with tears in her eyes."Why are you crying dumbo?", Dhani asked sadly cause her tears still broke his heart."I don't know they just came out. But I regret falling in love with a guy like him. I missed the chance too", Lasya burst out as her heart become so heavy as soon as Dhani spoke with her.Dhani hugged her silently and gave her a shoulder to cry out all the pain. "Don't cry too much dumbo. Remember I am watching you always. And your tears still broke my heart", he said as he kept patting her back.

Lasya said nothing and cried silently for a while. Then Dhani made her look at himself. "You know you are brave. I am glad that I fell for you. You are the most beautiful girl I ever saw. So be strong and try to leave that guy... You", Lasya cut him in the middle and confessed. "He cheated on me", She cry out. Her voice was broken so her heart.

"What!" Dhani was shocked to say anything.

"He cheated on me, He... He sends their romantic pictures to me. He broke up with me and now he wants me back while he will keep the other girl for himself", Lasya stated and started crying her heart out. Her cries were muffled. She was trying to contain it inside but she was talking with her best friend. How can she do that?

Dhani was not shocked he was angry. He hugged her tightly and let her cry her eyes out. After a while he made her look at him again.

"Why no one knows about it? Did you keep everything inside all this time?", Dhani asked worriedly. Lasya nodded without any word. Which broke Dhani's heart.

"Call me next time if anything happens, don't keep it inside", he said and kissed her on the forehead which made her smile again. The only smile which makes Dhani's heartache. Cause he knows every little pain behind that smile.

"Ojas I will go and look where is Dhani", a guy screamed while standing in the door frame. It was one of Dhani's friends. Lasya heard his voice and started to panic as she didn't want anyone to see her with Dhani.

Dhani observed her face calmly. Why? Why she is panicking? I don't get it why? he thought and decided to ask her.

"Why are you panicking it's Arav and he means no harm to both of us. I know him well", Dhani stated calmly. He was trying to stay as calm as he can cause he didn't want to hurt her with his anger."

"See students of this college don't talk good about us, so...", Dhani cut Lasya in the middle because he didn't understand the meaning. "What do you mean doesn't talk good about us? I never heard anything", he stated with a question on his face. He still didn't know why Lasya said mean things to him in the past.

"Sanket told me that they say that we...", Lasya's voice broke again but she continued. "We fucked behind college", she confessed. Dhani was shocked to hear that. But he was more shocked cause Lasya thought it was true. Now he was feeling devasted. He started to get flashbacks from his first day of college. And he was wondering that did he made the wrong choice of staying by Lasya's side in the first place. Without him realizing his eyes were filled with tears and those tears were rolling down his cheeks. Arav was about to yell his name but he saw both of them crying, he left them alone helplessly.

Dhani's mind become foggy with all the memories as he started to question himself. "Dad, I have decided what I want to do after high school", Dhani exclaimed. He was excited. His eyes, they were shining brightly.

"What have you decided?", his mom and dad asked simultaneously. "I will become a chef. I want to do hotel management. I know I will do my best in it", Dhani stated and smiled brightly. But all his hopes and dreams got shattered.

"No! You are not doing hotel management. Choose something else. We are not going to invest that much money just to make you a chef. Choose a stable career and tell me about it later. I will be waiting", his father said without a second thought. Cause the first reason was their financial situation and the second was they didn't want to do hotel management.

Dhani heart got shattered at the thought of he won't be able to pursue his lifelong dream. He was demotivated. He decided to choose anything which will catch his eye. Soon the admission process begins and he got placed in a famous and prestigious university because of his good grades.

He went there for admission with his parents. He saw the unfriendly atmosphere in college moreover he had to live alone away from his parents. The thought of living alone and doing something he never wanted to do made him scared. He decided to take admission to college from his home town.

Soon he had to start college. He got a new backpack from his father and new tiffin from his mother. On the first day of college, he was nervous. He didn't know why he got here and why he can't pursue his dream. He didn't know what he did wrong he can't become a chef. He didn't have any motivation to attend college. But he still went.

On the first day, he sat on the first bench. Whenever teachers used to ask something related to the syllabus of high school, he was always first to answer the question cause his basics were so clear. Because of that, he becomes the class representative and every single teacher knew his name.

Dhani decided to become an elite student. He started to work hard on his studies. He becomes good friends with Arav, Ojas, Yash and Mihir. Two weeks passed in a blink of an eye and Dhani become more comfortable. But one day a new student got admission to the college which caught her attention.

It was Lasya. Lasya used to sit alone as she didn't know how to mix with others. She was not a first-bench student or last-bench. She used to sit on the middle benches. Later she found Arav and she lives near cause both of them take one bus.

Another week passed and one more new student was added. Her name was Krishna. Krishna found an empty sit around Lasya so she sat beside her. Dhani was observing everything about how Krishna and Lasya become sisters and always stick to each other.

He decided to come to a good book of Krishna so she can help him to pursue Lasya. Without even knowing he started to fall more for her and become good friends with Krishna. Arav observed everything and decided to talk with him. "Do you like her?", Arav asked Dhani out of the blue when he was busy staring at Lasya.

"Dhani was caught off guard. He looks at him shocked but soon his shoulder relaxed as he replied. "Yes! I do! I do love her a lot", He confessed first time his love for someone. Cause in high school he never talked with anyone due to strict rules.

"Don't fall for her Dhani. She had a boyfriend since high school. Just stay away from her or you will be devastated", Arav said in a serious tone. "What? She does?", Dhani screamed accidentally and covered his mouth. He felt like everything is over now. He lost everything, his dream and now his love.