
Dhani got out of memories and move back from her. He broke their hug and look at Lasya in disbelief."And you loved him in that bullshit?", He asked her. His voice was broken but he was angry with her. Lasya couldn't able to alter a single word. "Say something Lasya", he cried out and shook her body.

"How? How can you believe his crap Lasya? He just wants to make you live alone so you will only depend on him. Can't you see he is not good for you? Can't you see that I really loved you and only wanted to stay by your side? Can't you see how much effort I take only to stay in touch with you secretly? How? How come I will say something about your character when I only wanted to make you happy? Don't you know me, Lasya? Say something Lasya", Dhani cried out. He was destroyed to the core. Everything around him seems so fake to him even the friendship he had with Lasya."I... I... I am sorry", that's the only thing Lasya could say.

Dhani stood up and without looking back he left. He didn't know whom he should make to take responsibility for his destruction. The one who is destroyed already or the one who is destroying her by playing with her mind.

"I hate this. I hate the idea of Love", Dhani muttered. Tears were flowing down his cheeks. With who he should talk. The friends he left to stay with Lasya or the sister who is angry with her cause he is still hanging around Lasya.

Suddenly he heard the voice from behind. "You can't hate the idea of love anymore Dhani. You... You have a girlfriend now", Arav stated and left as he didn't want to see him cry his heart out. He needed time for himself.

"Damm, Lasya why did u do this to me? What I am going to do about Jui. God why it's happening?", Dhani whispered and broke out. He cried a lot.

On the other hand, Lasya was tearing up the cause, she hurt the person she should cherish the most. She knew that but, wasn't able to do that. Now she was scrolling through her social media account when she received a message from Sanket. "Lasya you are coming back to me, don't you?"

"Not even in your dreams!" Lasya muttered angrily and ignored his message.The next half day passed in the blink of an eye and she was in front of the house.She rang the bell and her mother opened the door. "How was your first day Lasya", she asked with lots of curiosity. She thought Lasya would have enjoyed her day cause Sanket broke up with her."It was boring", Lasya replied in a low voice which was an indication that her day didn't go well.She went straight to her room after dinner. She didn't fresh up and was about to go to bed when she decided to check her social media account.

There were lots of messages from Sanket. She ignored them all and started to see the status of her contacts. Then she saw Sanket had put something on his status. She clicked on the icon and she was shocked. She thought her life is destroyed now. What will her mother and father do when they find out about this issue? She didn't dare to tell them. She was crying rivers again.

She replied to that status. "Sanket what the hell is this? When did you take this video clip", she asked worriedly. "And what's with the caption? I told you many times that I am not slut nor do I want to become one. Remove that status at once. How can you call me slut on your status. God knows how many people have seen it", she texted him again and waited for his reply.

To her surprise, his reply came instantly like he was waiting for her message. "You are a slut and you didn't want to come back to me so I did the right thing. You want to talk with boys and fuck around. I will make you a good slut. People will give you lots of money and I will have that money for myself. Your poor family is no use for me so let me use your body at least", Sanket replied and smiled evilly.

"No please don't do it. I don't want to become slut. I am not slut. I never slept with anyone else. Please remove my nude video from your status. Please I will do anything", Lasya begged.

Sanket was enjoying this cause he did it on purpose. "You are a really easy girl. Now I caught in my net again. How can you think that I will ever let you go? This video only can be seen by you because I blocked everyone else. No one can see it but I guess you don't know that", Sanket muttered and started to write a new text.

"Come to meet me tomorrow and remember we are not breaking up. I broke up with Ruhi so you don't have to share me", Sanket commanded and went outside for a party.

On the other hand, Lasya cried her heart out again. The news of them getting back spread widely so no girl nor boy tried to approach her ever again.