An Instant Cure

Third-person Pov 


 Electra was sprawled on her bed with a pillow pressed against her face as she tried to push away the sharp throbbing in her head. 


 She wasn't sure what had triggered this headache, but the dull ache behind her eyes had been worsening all evening. At some point, she thought that maybe it was a consequence of everything that had happened with Yura earlier. But the idea that her body was somehow betraying her by punishing her for her actions only annoyed her more.


A party would have been her usual remedy for a night like this—something loud and chaotic to drown out her own thoughts—but tonight, she simply hadn't felt up to it. 


She had already turned down Roxana and Penelope's insistent invitations multiple times, but knowing her friends, she wouldn't put it past them to try their luck one more time. She'd already rehearsed the harsh words she'd throw at them if they dared interrupt her again.