She's the Suspect

Seraphina's Pov


 The doctor's fingers gently probed my wrist, but even that light touch made me flinch. Pain radiated through my arm, and my wrist felt useless, like it wasn't even a part of my body anymore.


 I couldn't imagine holding anything as light as a pen, let alone attempting to use my hand for anything meaningful. 


The doctor looked up at me. "Has anyone looked at this before now? Did anyone treat the scratches or the injury in any way?" she asked.


I hesitated, the memory of what had happened flashing vividly in my mind. Electra had been the first to notice my injury, and she'd said something about the injury being poisoned, and before I could even argue or understand what she meant, she had poured some vile-smelling liquid over the scratches.


 The sting had been unbearable, and I remembered the tears that had formed in my eyes as the substance burned into my skin.