A terrible present

Seraphina's Pov


As soon as Electra mentioned that she had a present waiting for me in my room, a deep sense of fear settled in my chest, and I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that whatever Electra considered a "present" would be far from pleasant. 


My feet moved before I could fully process what was happening, and I bolted toward my room, panic gripping me tighter with each step that I took.


The closer I got, the louder the murmurs of a gathered crowd became, and when I reached the hallway, my breath caught in my throat. 


A group of students was standing right in front of my door, their faces pale and alarmed. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Jolene carrying someone on her back, and my heart sank further when I saw Ashleigh trailing behind her with tears streaming down her face.